Contemporary Labour Law
- Written by Gary Watkins
- Published in Human Resource Publications
Contemporary Labour Law
Contemporary Labour Law is a monthly journal read by industrial relations practitioners, attorneys, union officials, academics, human resource managers, NGO's and all those who require authoritative, regular and concise updates on South Africa's dynamic labour law. CLL is published each month, making annual Volumes which run from August to July of each year. Now in its 25th year of publication, each issue carries:
- in-depth feature articles on topical and labour law issues
- regular updates on important CCMA arbitrations and cases heard by the labour courts
- practice notes dealing with procedural issues arising out of the application of new labour legislation.
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The Editors:
P.A.K. Le Roux
- Managing Editor
Practising attorney. Hon. Professor of Mercantile Law at UNISA. Well known and widely experienced lecturer and author on South African labour law. Co-author of the South African Law of Unfair Dismissal.
A. A. Landman
- Hon. Consulting Editor
Judge of the High Court, formerly Judge of the Labour Court, President of the Industrial Court and former Head of the Dept.of Mercantile Law at UNISA.
Some of the topics covered in recent and past issues:
- Constructive Dismissal: What it is and what it isn't - a review of the cases under the Labour Relations Act
- Disciplinary Action and the Internet:Monitoring and responding to employee abuse of e-mail, network and Internet access
- Temporary Employment Services: Labour brokers, their clients and the dismissal of employees
- The Conduct of CCMA Commissioners: A review of Labour Court rulings on the conduct of CCMA Commissioners
- The Recovery of Stolen Monies: Can these be deducted from an employee's pension benefits?
- Retirement age and unfair dismissal: The Labour Court considers cases of dismissals based on the age of the employee.
- Transferring Contracts of Employment under the LRA: Implications for employers arising out of the sale, merger or transfer of a business or the sub-contracting of service functions.
- Probationary periods for new employees:A review of the rights and obligations of employers and employees during periods of probation.
- Overturning disciplinary decisions: Can more severe penalties be imposed by more senior manager after the conclusion of an inquiry?
- Truth. Lies and polygraphs: A detailed examination of the role, admissibility and value of polygraphs and other "lie detector" equipment in labour litigation.
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Gary Watkins
Gary Watkins
Managing Director
C: +27 (0)82 416 7712
T: +27 (0)10 035 4185 (Office)
F: +27 (0)86 689 7862
Website: www.workinfo.comRelated items
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