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Bobby Godsell: Citizens Charter encourages active citizenship engagement

Founder member of the NUM Dr James Motlatsi and current chairperson of Business Leadership South Africa, Bobby Godsell, are creating resource groups to help active citizens work in the areas of education, health, environmental sustainability, youth and employment, and crime prevention. They are also creating regional steering groups to help promote and sustain active citizenship throughout the length and breadth of South Africa.

Our country has some 25 000 government schools, 53 Further Education and Training colleges, and some 27 Universities. Excellence in each of these depends on the passion and commitment of teachers, learners, administrators, parents, and the communities that support each of these. Every institution offers the possibility of constructive engagement for the active citizen. Active citizens with rich education experience are putting together a resource kit to aid activity in this area. Via the website we will also connect you with education institutions and other active citizens keen to work in your geographic area and field of interest.

In addition to the healthcare professionals, both government and private healthcare, a diverse group of civil society bodies are working to promote health in our country. Active citizens with deep experience in healthcare are putting together a resource kit for those who want to be active in this area. Via the website we will connect you with facilities, organisations and other active citizens in your area.

Enviromental Sustainiability
Ensuring that our country’s vital (and beautiful) natural resources are cared for, and sustain a good life for future generations is a key challenge for our nation. The way in which citizens use or abuse these natural resources will ultimately determine whether we meet this challenge. Active citizens with both knowledge of and a passion for ensure sustainable environments are constructing resource kits in this area. Via the website we will connect you with facilities and organisations that are active in this cause and in your area.

Youth and Employment
It is the human condition to want to be active in society, to create value and meet human needs. All over the world more and more people are excluded from productive economic activity. This is particularly true of present day South Africa. It is acutely true for young South Africans. Citizens active in helping people, and especially young people, find work are putting together a resource kit for action in this area. Via the website we will put you in touch with organisations and opportunities in this field, and in the area in which you live.

Crime Prevention
Active communities reduce crime. Citizens with experience in crime prevention are putting together resource kits to aid activity in crime prevention. Via the website we will connect you with resources in the area in which you live.

CLICK HERE to sign the Charter.


NPC member and BLSA chairperson Bobby Godsell speaks to Polity Creamer Media

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Gary Watkins

Gary Watkins

Managing Director


C: +27 (0)82 416 7712

T: +27 (0)10 035 4185 (Office)

F: +27 (0)86 689 7862

Website: www.workinfo.com
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