Cancellation of registration of trade unions resulting from the 2002 LRA amendments 2003 to 1 May 2017
- Written by Gary Watkins
- Published in Labour Relations Act
Cancellation of registration of trade unions resulting from the 2002 LRA amendments 2003 to 1 May 2017
Names of trade unions are listed per year of cancellation
- Unions marked “@@” have appealed against the decision of the Registrar and have obtained an interim court order suspending the decision of the Registrar until the appeal case is finalized. These trade unions have rights of representation at the CCMA and bargaining councils
- Unions marked “XX” have appealed against the decision of the Registrar and have not obtained an interim court order suspending the decision of the Registrar. These trade unions have no rights of representation at the CCMA and bargaining councils
- Trade unions marked “**” were cancelled as a result of amalgamation with another trade union/s.
52. |
LR2/6/2/552 |
National Urban and Rural Workers Union (NURWU) |
2003/05/12 |
53. |
LR2/6/2/560 |
National Union of Commercial Catering and Allied Workers (NACCAW) |
2003/05/12 |
54. |
LR2/6/2/563 |
Rainbow General Workers Union |
2003/05/12 |
55. |
LR2/6/2/571 |
Denel Vakbond |
2003/05/12 |
56. |
LR2/6/2/585 |
Union of South African Security ElAl Workers (USASEW) |
2003/05/12 |
57. |
LR2/6/2/589 |
S.A. Effective Union Brokers |
2003/05/12 |
58. |
LR2/6/2/595 |
Progressive Industrial Front of South African (PIFOSA) |
2003/05/12 |
59. |
LR2/6/2/601 |
S.A Principals Association |
2003/05/12 |
60. |
LR2/6/2/604 |
Packaging Staff Association |
2003/05/12 |
61. |
LR2/6/2/606 |
Public Education Workers Union (PEWU) |
2003/05/12 |
62. |
LR2/6/2/607 |
The Union for Reconstruction and Redistribution (TUORAR) |
2003/05/12 |
63. |
LR2/6/2/609 |
Intergrated Workers Union |
2003/05/12 |
64. |
LR2/6/2/611 |
University of Durban Westville Academic Staff Association |
2003/05/12 |
65. |
LR2/6/2/612 |
KZN Natal Public Service Drivers Association |
2003/05/12 |
66. |
LR2/6/2/616 |
Universiteit van Pretoria Werknemersorganisasie |
2003/05/12 |
67. |
LR2/6/2/617 |
Independent Newspapers Staff Association |
2003/05/12 |
68. |
LR2/6/2/618 |
Security, Retail, Transport and Allied Workers Union of South Africa |
2003/05/12 |
69. |
LR2/6/2/620 |
Domestic Workers Union of South Africa (DWUSA) |
2003/05/12 |
70. |
LR2/6/2/622 |
National Union of Private Security Guards |
2003/05/12 |
71. |
LR2/6/2/623 |
Parklands Hospital Workers Trade Union |
2003/05/12 |
72. |
LR2/6/2/624 |
Peninsula Technikon Employees Union |
2003/05/12 |
73. |
LR2/6/2/626 |
Health and Skincare Products Employees and Distributors Ass. of S.A |
2003/05/12 |
74. |
LR2/6/2/627 |
Commercial Farmers Domestic and General Workers Union |
2003/05/12 |
75. |
LR2/6/2/628 |
Transport and Construction Workers Union |
2003/05/12 |
76. |
LR2/6/2/634 |
South African Taxi Drivers Union (S.A.T.D.U) |
2003/05/12 |
77. |
LR2/6/2/635 |
National Taxi Drivers Organisation |
2003/05/12 |
78. |
LR2/6/2/639 |
Non Racial Workers Association of South Africa |
2003/05/12 |
79. |
LR2/6/2/640 |
Freedom Allied Workers Union of South Africa |
2003/05/12 |
80. |
LR2/6/2/644 |
Consolidated General Industries Workers Union of South Africa |
2003/05/12 |
81. |
LR2/6/2/645 |
South African Agricultural, Wine, Farm and General Workers Union (SAAWFGWU) |
2003/05/12 |
82. |
LR2/6/2/646 |
Democratic Security and Allied Workers Union of South Africa(DESAWUSA) |
2003/05/12 |
83. |
LR2/6/2/647 |
Security and Allied Workers Union of South Africa (SAWUSA) |
2003/05/12 |
84. |
LR2/6/2/656 |
Metro United Workers Union of South Africa |
2003/05/12 |
85. |
LR2/6/2/657 |
Mpumalanga Allied Workers union |
2003/05/12 |
86. |
LR2/6/2/669 |
S.A Security Officers Union |
2003/05/12 |
87. |
LR2/6/2/671 |
Mother of Trade Union of South Africa |
2003/05/12 |
88. |
LR2/6/2/675 |
National Trade Union for Small Business Employees |
2003/05/12 |
89. |
LR2/6/2/678 |
Conflict Resolution Alliance |
2003/05/12 |
90. |
LR2/6/2/684 |
Azanian Securities Cleaners and Allied Workers Union |
2003/05/12 |
91. |
LR2/6/2/685 |
National Agricultural Technicians Union (NATU) |
2003/05/12 |
92. |
LR2/6/2/686 |
National Cleaners and General workers Union |
2003/05/12 |
93. |
LR2/6/2/689 |
General and Allied Workers Organisation |
2003/05/12 |
94. |
LR2/6/2/696 |
Cleaners Africa Domestic Workers Union (CADWU) |
2003/05/12 |
95. |
LR2/6/2/703 |
Star Workers Union (SWU) |
2003/05/12 |
96. |
LR2/6/2/704 |
Security Personnel and Allied Workers Union (SPAWU) |
2003/05/12 |
97. |
LR2/6/2/707 |
Western Cape Fruit and Allied Workers Union of South Africa |
2003/05/12 |
98. |
LR2/6/2/708 |
Domestic Farm and Allied Workers Union of South Africa |
2003/05/12 |
99. |
LR2/6/2/712 |
Independent Service, Agriculture and Food Workers Union (USAFWU) |
2003/05/12 |
100. |
LR2/6/2/717 |
Soekor Staff Association |
2003/05/12 |
101. |
LR2/6/2/722 |
United Security Officers Union (UNISOU) |
2003/05/12 |
102. |
LR2/6/2/725 |
Umgeni Employees Union |
2003/05/12 |
103. |
LR2/6/2/727 |
Infoplan Personeelvereniging |
2003/05/12 |
104. |
LR2/6/2/730 |
Domestic and General Workers Union (DAGWU) |
2003/05/12 |
105. |
LR2/6/2/732 |
National Security and Essential Services Union (NASESU) |
2003/05/12 |
106. |
LR2/6/2/734 |
Teachers League of South Africa |
2003/05/12 |
107. |
LR2/6/2/735 |
Health and General Workers Union of South Africa |
2003/05/12 |
108. |
LR2/6/2/737 |
Imbenge Agricultural and Plantation Union |
2003/05/12 |
109. |
LR2/6/2/741 |
2003/05/12 |
110. |
LR2/6/2/745 |
Farm and General Workers Union of South Africa |
2003/05/12 |
111. |
LR2/6/2/747 |
Union of Security Guards and Allied Workers (USAW) |
2003/05/12 |
112. |
LR2/6/2/748 |
Proficient and General Workers Union (PROGEWU) |
2003/05/12 |
113. |
LR2/6/2/749 |
Dukuza Integrated Municipal Employees Society |
2003/05/12 |
114. |
LR2/6/2/751 |
New National Alliance for Domestic Workers Union |
2003/05/12 |
115. |
LR2/6/2/755 |
HMS Staff Association |
2003/05/12 |
116. |
LR2/6/2/766 |
The University of Western Cape Academic Staff Union (UWCASU) |
2003/05/12 |
117. |
LR2/6/2/767 |
Kagiso Ubuntu and General Workers Union (KUGWU) |
2003/05/12 |
118. |
LR2/6/2/769 |
Diamond Mine and Quarry Workers Union (DMQTU) |
2003/05/12 |
119. |
LR2/6/2/779 |
Aktiewe Munisipale Werknemers Assosiasie |
2003/05/12 |
120. |
LR2/6/2/785 |
Amalgamated Policy Security and Allied Workers Trade Union |
2003/05/12 |
121. |
LR2/6/2/788 |
Kgatelopele Workers Union of South Africa |
2003/05/12 |
122. |
LR2/6/2/793 |
National Enthronement Domestic, Commercial and Allied Workers Union (NEDGAWU) |
2003/05/12 |
123. |
LR2/6/2/794 |
Plantations, Agricultural and General Workers Union |
2003/05/12 |
124. |
LR2/6/2/797 |
National and United Workers Union (NUWU) |
2003/05/12 |
125. |
LR2/6/2/812 |
Artisan Trade Union (S.A.) (ATU) |
2003/05/12 |
126. |
LR2/6/2/813 |
Suid Afrikaanse Nuwe Era Unie |
2003/05/12 |
127. |
LR2/6/2/815 |
Interactive Employees Association |
2003/05/12 |
128. |
LR2/6/2/817 |
Conflict Resolve Workers Union of South Africa |
2003/05/12 |
129. |
LR2/6/2/822 |
S.A Foreign Qualified Doctors Association |
2003/05/12 |
130. |
LR2/6/2/823 |
Municipality, Construction, Retailers and Allied General Workers U.S.A |
2003/05/12 |
131. |
LR2/6/2/832 |
Automotive Manufacturing Industry Staff Union |
2003/05/12 |
132. |
LR2/6/2/836 |
Catering Hotels and Allied Workers Union |
2003/05/12 |
133. |
LR2/6/2/839 |
South African Wood, Commercial Retail & Associated Workers Union (SAWCRAWU) |
2003/05/12 |
134. |
LR2/6/2/841 |
National Progressive Allied Workers Union (NAPAWU) |
2003/05/12 |
135. |
LR2/6/2/843 |
SA Trade Union for General and Office Workers (SATUGOW) |
2003/05/12 |
136. |
LR2/6/2/847 |
Democratic Workers' Services Trade Union (DEWOSTU) |
2003/05/12 |
137. |
LR2/6/2/851 |
South African Building Retail Trade Union (SABRITU) |
2003/05/12 |
138. |
LR2/6/2/855 |
Hlanganane Strong Workers Union |
2003/05/12 |
139. |
LR2/6/2/869 |
South African Rural Workers Union (SARWU) |
2003/05/12 |
140. |
LR2/6/2/873 |
National Independent and General Workers Union (NICWU) |
2003/05/12 |
141. |
LR2/6/2/874 |
South African Commercial Health and Allied Workers Union (SACHSAWU) |
2003/05/12 |
142. |
LR2/6/2/881 |
Shield and Spear Workers Union |
2003/05/12 |
143. |
LR2/6/2/884 |
Renaissance Workers Union |
2003/05/12 |
144. |
LR2/6/2/889 |
National Staff Association |
2003/05/12 |
145. |
LR2/6/2/906 |
Clothing, Construction, Allied, Retail & Wood Workers Union (CCOARWWU) |
2003/05/12 |
146. |
LR2/6/2/58 |
Staatsdiens en Aanverwante Werkersvakbond |
2003/05/30 |
147. |
LR2/6/2/757 |
Service Employees Industrial Union |
2003/05/17 |
148. |
LR2/6/2/541 |
Staff Union of the HSRC |
2003/07/08 |
149. |
LR2/6/2/306 |
United Metal Industries and allied Workers Union of South Africa** |
2003/07/17 |
150. |
LR2/6/2/1007 |
South African Equity Workers Association (SAEWA)** |
2003/07/17 |
151. |
LR2/6/2/965 |
Real Workers Union |
2003/10/07 |
152. |
LR2/6/2/52 |
South African Motor Union (SAMU)** |
2003/12/05 |
153. |
LR2/6/2/103 |
Motor Industry Staff Association** |
2003/12/05 |
154 |
LR2/6/2/233 |
National Council of Food and Agricultural Workers |
2004/01/13 |
155 |
LR2/6/2/529 |
Democratic Textile Workers Union |
2004/01/13 |
TOTAL = 155
2004 - 2005
Nr |
Registration number |
Name |
Date of de- registration |
1. |
LR2/6/2/3 |
Solidariteit MWU/ Solidarity/ MWU ** |
2004/06/17 |
2. |
LR2/6/2/277 |
Pos en Telkomvereniging van Suid Afrika ** |
2004/06/01 |
3. |
LR2/6/2/321 |
Guild of Air Traffic Controllers of South Africa ** |
2004/06/17 |
4. |
LR2/6/2/1143 |
United Association of South Africa ** |
2004/06/01 |
5. |
LR2/6/2/825 |
National Union for Retail Sector Employees (NURSE) |
2004/07/12 |
6. |
LR2/6/2/262 |
S.A General and Allied Workers Union |
2004/07/26 |
7. |
LR2/6/2/472 |
North Paarl Engineering Trade Union |
2004/08/31 |
8. |
LR2/6/2/289 |
Managerial and General Workers Union |
2004/08/31 |
9. |
LR2/6/2/523 |
Regional General Farmers Commercial Workers Union |
2004/09/29 |
10. |
LR2/6/2/114 |
The Western Cape Omnibus Staff Association XX |
2004/09/30 |
11. |
LR2/6/2/146 |
Motor and Allied Workers Union of South Africa |
2004/09/30 |
12. |
LR2/6/2/258 |
Artisans and Allied Workers Union |
2004/09/30 |
13. |
LR2/6/2/369 |
S.A Federal Workers Union (SAFWU) |
2004/09/30 |
14. |
LR2/6/2/398 |
Motor, Catering Liquor and Allied Workers Union |
2004/09/30 |
15. |
LR2/6/2/414 |
Trade Union of South African Authorities (V) |
2004/09/30 |
16. |
LR2/6/2/440 |
Securities Combine Civil Workers Union |
2004/09/30 |
17. |
LR2/6/2/496 |
Eastern Cape Agricultural Professional Association |
2004/09/30 |
18. |
LR2/6/2/525 |
Forestry Farm and Allied Trade Union |
2004/09/30 |
19. |
LR2/6/2/33 |
National Union of Operative Biscuit Makers and Packers of South Africa |
2004/10/21 |
20. |
LR2/6/2/41 |
Catering Employees Union |
2004/10/07 |
21. |
LR2/6/2/236 |
Textile Workers Independent Union (SA) |
2004/10/07 |
22. |
LR2/6/2/252 |
Municipal Professional Staff Association |
2004/10/21 |
23. |
LR2/6/2/313 |
Kwa-Zulu Natal Workers Union |
2004/10/07 |
24. |
LR2/6/2/317 |
Personeelvereniging van die Kantoor van die Ouditeer Generaal |
2004/10/21 |
25. |
LR2/6/2/340 |
Cape Metropolitan Services Union |
2004/10/21 |
26. |
LR2/6/2/457 |
Vynide Employees Association |
2004/10/07 |
27. |
LR2/6/2/465 |
S.A Independent and Allied Workers Union |
2004/10/21 |
28. |
LR2/6/2/516 |
Association of State Attorneys (ASA) |
2404/10/07 |
29. |
LR2/6/2/570 |
Municipality Building and Allied Workers Union of South Africa |
2004/10/07 |
30. |
LR2/6/2/588 |
Simunye Workers Union |
2004/10/07 |
31. |
LR2/6/2/593 |
S.A Mining and Allied Workers Union (SAMAWU) |
2004/10/07 |
32. |
LR2/6/2/670 |
Vereeniging van Professionele Mediapersoneel van Suid Afrika |
2004/10/07 |
33. |
LR2/6/2/679 |
National Professional and General Workers Union |
2004/10/07 |
34. |
LR2/6/2/70 |
S.A Canvas and Rope Workers Union (Cape) |
2004/11/18 |
35. |
LR2/6/2/556 |
Western Cape Workers Association |
2004/11/18 |
36. |
LR2/6/2/857 |
National Revenue Workers Union |
2004/11/02 |
37. |
LR2/6/2/97 |
Sweet Workers Union |
2005/01/25 |
38. |
LR2/6/2/638 |
National Union of Farm and Allied Commercial Employees (NUFACE) |
2005/02/22 |
39. |
LR2/6/2/888 |
Africa Fawe (AFFA) |
2005/02/22 |
TOTAL = 39
8 |
LR2/6/2/594 |
Transport Security and Allied workers Union of South Africa (TSAWU) |
2005/08/31 |
9 |
LR2/6/2/677 |
Western Cape Allied Workers Union |
2005/08/31 |
10 |
LR2/6/2/547 |
Job Secure |
2005/11/17 |
11 |
LR2/6/2/805 |
Gauteng International Trade Union (GITU) |
2006/01/12 |
12 |
LR2/6/2/53 |
Chemical and Allied Workers Union |
2006/01/13 |
13 |
LR2/6/2/977 |
Food and Tourism Trade Union (FOTTU) |
2006/01/20 |
14 |
LR2/6/2/450 |
Human Rights Union |
2006/01/23 |
15 |
LR2/6/2/500 |
Public Servants Association of South Africa** |
2006/02/01 |
16 |
LR2/6/2/505 |
National Union of Prosecutors of South Africa** |
2006/02/01 |
17 |
LR2/6/2/1032 |
South African Workers Organisation (SAWO) |
2006/02/07 |
18 |
LR2/6/2/387 |
National and Allied Workers Union |
2006/02/07 |
TOTAL = 18
45. |
LR2/6/2/947 |
Labour Management Services Union |
14/02/2007 |
46. |
LR2/6/2/396 |
Distributive, Catering, Hotel and Allied Workers’ Union of South Africa |
14/02/2007 |
47. |
LR2/6/2/899 |
Siyathuthuka Workers’ Union |
26/02/2007 |
48. |
LR2/6/2/360 |
S A Meat Distributors and Allied Workers Union |
09/03/2007 |
49. |
LR2/6/2/279 |
Performing Arts Workers’ Equity |
15/03/2007 |
TOTAL = 49
No |
Registration number |
Name |
Date of de- registration |
1. |
LR2/6/2/102 |
Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU) ** |
10/04/2007 |
2. |
LR2/6/2/395 |
South African Agricultural, Plantation and Allied Workers Union ** |
10/04/2007 |
3. |
LR2/6/2/798 |
Sekuriteit en Kontrak Werkers Unie (SEKWU) |
17/04/2007 |
4. |
LR2/6/2/631 |
Help in Hand Trade Union (HIHTU) |
23/04/2007 |
5. |
LR2/6/2/338 |
Steel, Electrical and Allied Workers' Union of South Africa (SEAWUSA) |
23/04/2007 |
6. |
LR2/6/2/1022 |
Tourism and General Workers Union (TAGWU) |
07/05/2007 |
7. |
LR2/6/2/109 |
Suid-Afrikaanse Karweierwerknemersunie |
24/05/2007 |
8. |
LR2/6/2/744 |
Kuhle Allied Workers Union |
11/06/2007 |
9. |
LR2/6/2/1045 |
Progressive Trade Union of South Africa (PROTUSA) |
11/06/2007 |
10. |
LR2/6/2/742 |
Security, Education & Allied Workers Union |
11/06/2007 |
11. |
LR2/6/2/151 |
South African Union of Journalists |
11/06/2007 |
12. |
LR2/6/2/267 |
Azanian Workers Union (AZAWU) |
13/06/2007 |
13. |
LR2/6/2/621 |
Motor, Steel Security and Allied Workers Union (MOSSAWU) |
18/06/2007 |
14. |
LR2/6/2/676 |
National Union of South African Workers (NUSAW) XX |
12/07/2007 |
15. |
LR2/6/2/296 |
National Workers’ Union of South Africa |
23/07/2007 |
16. |
LR2/6/2/406 |
National Meat Wholesale and United Workers Union (NAMWUWU) |
20/08/2007 |
17. |
LR2/6/2/614 |
Employees Labour Association |
20/08/2007 |
18. |
LR2/6/2/462 |
National Farms Allied Industries Workers Union |
20/08/2007 |
19. |
LR2/6/2/131 |
Steel Engineering and Allied Worker's Union of South Africa (SEAWUSA) |
20/08/2007 |
20. |
LR2/6/2/992 |
Forest Industrial Allied and Commercial Union (F.I.A.A.C.U.) |
05/09/2007 |
21. |
LR2/6/2/976 |
Retail and Associated Workers' Union of South Africa (RAWUSA) |
05/09/2007 |
22. |
LR2/6/2/1131 |
Agricultural Retail and Plantation Workers Union |
05/09/2007 |
23. |
LR2/6/2/891 |
Batho Bohle Bakopane Workers Union |
07/09/2007 |
24. |
LR2/6/2/99 |
Hotel Allied Restaurant Workers Union of South Africa |
26/09/2007 |
25. |
LR2/6/2/806 |
Miners and United Democratic Workers Union of South Africa (MUDWUSA) |
11/10/2007 |
26. |
LR2/6/2/92 |
South African Woodworkers’ Union |
11/10/2007 |
27. |
LR2/6/2/1192 |
Renaissance Workers’ Union |
11/10/2007 |
28. |
LR2/6/2/356 |
United Food, Beverage and Allied Workers Union of South Africa (UFBAWUSA) |
25/10/2007 |
29. |
LR2/6/2/715 |
Farm Hotel Catering and General Workers Union |
19/11/2007 |
30. |
LR2/6/2/908 |
North West Security and Allied Workers Union |
19/11/2007 |
31. |
LR2/6/2/993 |
South African Workers’ Rights Union |
19/11/2007 |
32. |
LR2/6/2/968 |
Allied Labour Services Trade Union (ALASTU) |
19/11/2007 |
33. |
LR2/6/2/683 |
Democratic Farm Workers’ Union (DEFWU) |
19/11/2007 |
34. |
LR2/6/2/816 |
Retail and Allied Workers Union (RAWU) @@ Cancelled 23/11/2007. Order to continue to operate until appeal case is finalized |
23/11/2007 |
35. |
LR2/6/2/549 |
National Amalgamated Workers' Union of South Africa (NAWUSA) |
30/11/2007 |
36. |
LR2/6/2/1001 |
National Consultative Union of South Africa (NCUSA) |
16/01/2008 |
37. |
LR2/6/2/554 |
National Entertainment Commercial Allied Workers Union (NECAWU) |
16/01/2008 |
38. |
LR2/6/2/590 |
Beaufort West Karoo Rural Workers Forum |
16/01/2008 |
39. |
LR2/6/2/189 |
National Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union |
16/01/2008 |
40. |
LR2/6/2/998 |
Mine, Forest and Allied Workers Union (MIFAWU) |
22/01/2008 |
41. |
LR2/6/2/931 |
National Abbattoir and Butchery Workers Association (NABWA) |
22/01/2008 |
TOTAL = 41
No |
Registration number |
Name |
Date of de- registration |
1. |
LR2/6/2/868 |
The Trade Union for Upliftment of South Africa (TUFUSA) |
08/04/2008 |
2. |
LR2/6/2/896 |
Asibemunye Workers Union of South Africa |
08/04/2008 |
3. |
LR2/6/2/304 |
United Mine Workers Union of South Africa |
10/04/2008 |
4. |
LR2/6/2/1216 |
Wildlife and Eco-Tourism Workers Trade Union of South (WEWTUSA) |
14/04/2008 |
5. |
LR2/6/2/796 |
Tourism and Allied Industrial Workers’ Union (TAIWU) |
15/04/2008 |
6. |
LR2/6/2/335 |
Trade Union of South African Authorities (TUSAA) |
22/05/2008 |
7. |
LR2/6/2/187 |
United Workers’ Union of South Africa (UWUSA) |
23/05/2008 |
8. |
LR2/6/2/999 |
National Industrial Workers Union of South Africa (NIWUSA) |
05/06/2008 |
9. |
LR2/6/2/355 |
General Workers Association (GWA) |
06/06/2008 |
10. |
LR2/6/2/1043 |
Administrative, Library and Technical Staff Association |
06/06/2008 |
11. |
LR2/6/2/562 |
South African Allied and Commercial Workers Union (SAACOWU) |
06/06/2008 |
12. |
LR2/6/2/973 |
Togetherness Amalgamated Workers’ Union of S.A. (TAWUSA) @@ Cancelled on 10/7/2008. Order to continue to operate until appeal case is finalized |
10/07/2008 |
13. |
LR2/6/2/950 |
United Private Sector Workers’ Union |
30/07/2008 |
14. |
LR2/6/2/1128 |
Mine and Commercial Workers Union (MICOWU) |
21/08/2008 |
15. |
LR2/6/2/1033 |
Western Cape Agricultural and Allied Workers Union (WCAAWU) XX |
22/09/2008 |
16. |
LR2/6/2/291 |
Suid-Afrikaanse Parastatale en Tersiëre Instellings Unie ** |
15/10/2008 |
17. |
LR2/6/2/292 |
NHLS Internal Staff Association ** |
15/10/2008 |
18. |
LR2/6/2/818 |
Social Security and Commercial Workers Union (SOSCWU) |
22/10/2008 |
19. |
LR2/6/2/907 |
Masakhane Workers Trade Union (MAWOTU) |
22/10/2008 |
20. |
LR2/6/2/934 |
Khula Employees Association |
22/10/2008 |
21. |
LR2/6/2/60 |
Tshwane Transport Workers Union |
22/10/2008 |
22. |
LR2/6/2/711 |
South African Food and Allied Trade Union (SAFATU) |
23/10/2008 |
23. |
LR2/6/2/804 |
South African Plantation Managers Foresters and Allied Workers Union (SAPLA) |
27/10/2008 |
24. |
LR2/6/2/969 |
South African Criminal Justice and Allied Workers’ Union (SACJAWU) |
27/10/2008 |
25. |
LR2/6/2/246 |
General Workers Solidarity Front of South Africa |
28/10/2008 |
26. |
LR2/6/2/1076 |
National Council of Food, Textile and Allied Workers (NACFAW) |
11/11/2008 |
27. |
LR2/6/2/764 |
Drivers, Operators and Allied Workers Association (DOAWA) |
11/11/2008 |
28. |
LR2/6/2/1154 |
Agricultural, Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers Association (ACCAWA) |
11/11/2008 |
29. |
LR2/6/2/1071 |
Municipal Employees Union (MEU) |
11/11/2008 |
30. |
LR2/6/2/202 |
Textile and Allied Workers’ Union |
11/11/2008 |
31. |
LR2/6/2/113 |
South African Transport Workers’ Union |
11/11/2008 |
32. |
LR2/6/2/558 |
Federal Council of Commercial Distributive Trade and Allied Workers Union (FCCDTAWU) |
02/12/2008 |
33. |
LR2/6/2/731 |
Union for Staff and Allied Workers |
08/01/2009 |
34. |
LR2/6/2/166 |
Banking, Insurance & Finance Workers’ Union (BIFAWU) |
08/01/2009 |
35. |
LR2/6/2/1232 |
National Union for Financial Institutions and Allied Workers |
08/01/2009 |
36. |
LR2/6/2/724 |
Hotel, Accommodation, Restaurant, Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers Union |
09/01/2009 |
37. |
LR2/6/2/488 |
Public Servants Movement (PUSEMO) |
21/01/2009 |
38. |
LR2/6/2/849 |
Correctional Officials Democratic Union (C.O.D.U.) |
26/01/2009 |
39. |
LR2/6/2/1120 |
Research Council Trade Association (RCTA) |
03/02/2009 |
40. |
LR2/6/2/1245 |
Sectoral Union of Cleaners (SUC) |
04/02/2009 |
41. |
LR2/6/2/49 |
National Union of Distributive and Allied Workers (NUDAW) |
04/02/2009 |
42. |
LR2/6/2/451 |
South African Stunt Performers Association |
04/02/2009 |
43. |
LR2/6/2/526 |
Parliamentary Staff Union (PSU) |
12/02/2009 |
44. |
LR2/6/2/1220 |
United Teachers Union (UTU) |
12/02/2009 |
45. |
LR2/6/2/915 |
National Union of Music Educators (NUME) |
13/02/2009 |
46. |
LR2/6/2/557 |
Die Predikante-en Kerklike Werkersunie van Suid Afrika |
13/02/2009 |
47. |
LR2/6/2/1060 |
National Union of Democratic Employees of South Africa (NUDESA) |
25/03/2009 |
TOTAL = 47
No |
Registration number |
Name |
Date of de- registration |
1. |
LR2/6/2/574 |
Construction & Engineering Industrial Workers Union (CEIWU) |
20/04/2009 |
2. |
LR2/6/2/904 |
Co-operative Workers Association (COWA) |
20/04/2009 |
3. |
LR2/6/2/902 |
Job Satisfaction Workers’ Union |
04/05/2009 |
4. |
LR2/6/2/774 |
National Police Services Union (NAPOSU) |
04/05/2009 |
5. |
LR2/6/2/1411 |
Squid and Allied Fishing Workers’ Union (SAAFWU) |
07/05/2009 |
6. |
LR2/6/2/1238 |
Workers Labour Council South Africa (WLC-SA) |
28/05/2009 |
7. |
LR2/6/2/223 |
South African Airways Flight Engineers Association |
04/06/2009 |
8. |
LR2/6/2/194 |
National Union of Farm Workers (NUF) |
24/06/2009 |
9. |
LR2/6/2/308 |
Associated Trade Union of South African Worker |
15/07/2009 |
10. |
LR2/6/2/800 |
Council of Working Men and Woman of South Africa |
06/08/2009 |
11. |
LR2/6/2/786 |
Vukukhanye Workers Organisation |
17/08/2009 |
12. |
LR2/6/2/1110 |
South African Intellectual Workers Union (SAIWU) |
20/08/2009 |
13. |
LR2/6/2/821 |
General Union of Municipality and Allied Workers Organisation (GUMAWO) |
09/09/2009 |
14. |
LR2/6/2/152 |
BAWU Allied Workers Union (South Africa) |
10/09/2009 |
15. |
LR2/6/2/308 |
Associated Trade Union of SA Workers (ATUSAW) |
15/07/2009 |
16. |
LR2/6/2/125 |
Textile Workers Union, Gauteng (TWU Gauteng) |
30/09/2009 |
17. |
LR2/6/2/177 |
Meat Distributors and Allied Workers Union of South Africa (MDAWUSA) |
02/10/2009 |
18. |
LR2/6/2/219 |
United People’s Union of South Africa (UPUSA) |
02/10/2009 |
19. |
LR2/6/2/397 |
Workers’ Party Union (WPU) XX |
22/10/2009 |
20. |
LR2/6/2/390 |
Security and General Workers’ Union (SEGEWU) XX |
22/10/2009 |
21. |
LR2/6/2/353 |
Steel Mining and Commercial Workers’ Union (STEMCWU) XX |
22/10/2009 |
22. |
LR2/6/2/1041 |
Limpopo Agricultural and Allied Union (LAAU) |
26/10/2009 |
23. |
LR2/6/2/596 |
Mouth Peace Workers’ Union |
19/01/2010 |
24. |
LR2/6/2/76 |
Eskom Employees Association |
20/01/2010 |
25. |
LR2/6/2/1019 |
Northern Cape Allied Workers Union (NCAWU) |
20/01/2010 |
26. |
LR2/6/2/1034 |
Impartial Workers Union of South Africa (IWUSA) |
21/01/2010 |
27. |
LR2/6/2/253 |
Food and General Workers Union (F&G) ** |
26/01/2010 |
28. |
LR2/6/2/1277 |
South African Gaming, Waitron and Admin Workers Trade Union |
01/02/2010 |
29. |
LR2/6/2/576 |
Africa Allied Workers Union of South Africa (AAWUSA) XX |
03/02/2010 |
30. |
LR2/6/2/1244 |
South African Bargaining Councils and Allied Workers Union (SABCAWU) |
03/02/2010 |
31. |
LR2/6/2/61 |
Chemical Workers Union (C.W.U.) |
03/02/2010 |
32. |
LR2/6/2/569 |
National Union of Tertiary Employees of South Africa (NUTESA) ** |
25/02/2010 |
33. |
LR2/6/2/610 |
National Tertiary Education Staff Union (NTESU) ** |
25/02/2010 |
2010 - 2011
TOTAL = 33
No |
Registration number |
Name |
Date of de- registration |
1. |
LR2/6/2/649 |
Food, Commercial, Retail and Allied Workers Union |
07/04/2010 |
2. |
LR2/6/2/650 |
Democratic Union of South Africa (D.U.S.A.) |
12/04/2010 |
3. |
LR2/6/2/358 |
Workers’ Equally Support Union of South Africa (WESUSA) XX |
12/04/2010 |
4. |
LR2/6/2/1011 |
Democratic Rights Workers Union of S.A. |
07/05/2010 |
5. |
LR2/6/2/690 |
Independent Democratic Employee Association (IDEA) |
27/05/2010 |
6. |
LR2/6/2/1050 |
Legal Voice Workers’ Trade Union |
02/06/2010 |
7. |
LR2/6/2/1395 |
South African Airways Management Association (SAAMA) |
06/07/2010 |
8. |
LR2/6/2/1458 |
Mohlakeng Workers’ Union of South Africa (MWUSA) |
26/07/2010 |
9. |
LR2/6/2/856 |
Universal Workers’ Union (UWU) |
23/08/2010 |
TOTAL = 19
No |
Registration number |
Name |
Date of de- registration |
1. |
LR2/6/2/315 |
South African Freight and Dock Workers’ Union |
07/04/2011 |
2. |
LR2/6/2/564 |
Union of United Mineworkers (UUMW) |
08/04/2011 |
3. |
LR2/6/3/1026 |
South African National Workers Union (SANWU) |
11/04/2011 |
4. |
LR2/6/2/1422 |
National Federal Trade Union of South Africa (FEDTUSA) |
20/04/2011 |
5. |
LR2/6/2/1429 |
Retail Allied Agricultural and Associated Workers' Union (RAAAWU) |
20/05/2011 |
6. |
LR2/6/2/781 |
Service and General Workers’ union (SAGWU) |
01/06/2011 |
7. |
LR2/6/2/559 |
Universitiet van die Vrystaat se Personeelunie (UVPERSU) |
10/06/2011 |
8. |
LR2/6/2/567 |
Security and Allied Trade Union of South Africa (SAWTUSA) |
10/06/2011 |
9. |
LR2/6/2/524 |
South African Food, Retail and Agricultural Workers Union (SAFRAWU) |
10/06/2011 |
10. |
LR2/6/2/476 |
South African Farming and Commercial Workers Union (SAFCWU) |
10/06/2011 |
11. |
LR2/6/2/975 |
Masizwane Workers Union (MAWU) |
07/07/2011 |
12. |
LR2/6/2/949 |
Construction, Allied, Metal, Mining, Building & Alien Workers’ Union (C.A.M.M.B.A.W.U.) |
08/09/2011 |
13. |
LR2/6/2/967 |
Intellectual Democratic Workers Union (IDWU) XX |
28/09/2011 |
14. |
LR2/6/2/259 |
Building, Motor, Engineering and Allied Workers’ Union (BMEAWU) XX |
10/10/2011 |
15. |
LR2/6/2/1225 |
South African Domestic Service and Allied Workers Union (SADSAWU) |
24/10/2011 |
16. |
LR2/6/2/674 |
South African Professionals and General Workers Union (S.A.P.G.W.U.) |
15/11/2011 |
17. |
LR2/6/2/445 |
South African Democratic Nurses’ Union (SADNU) |
18/01/2012 |
18. |
LR2/6/2/1028 |
Commercial, Services and Allied Workers Union (COSAWU) |
03/02/2012 |
19. |
LR2/6/2/941 |
Future of South African Workers Union |
16/02/2012 |
20. |
LR2/6/2/743 |
University of North West Staff Association (UNW) |
16/02/2012 |
21. |
LR2/6/2/1576 |
Botshabelo Union of Mine Workers and Construction (BUMC) |
28/03/2012 |
2012 - 2013
TOTAL = 21
No |
Registration number |
Name |
Date of de- registration |
1. |
LR2/6/2/347 |
Education Health Church Welfare and Allied Workers’ Union (EHCWAWU) |
26/04/2012 |
2. |
LR2/6/2/1064 |
Progressive General Employees Association of South Africa (PGEASA) |
18/05/2012 |
3. |
LR2/6/2/380 |
Newspaper & Magazine Distributors Workers’ Union of South Africa |
18/05/2012 |
4. |
LR2/6/2/1397 |
Democratic Furniture, Undertakers and Allied Workers Union of SA (DFUAWUSA) |
18/05/2012 |
5. |
LR2/6/2/1052 |
South African Railways and Harbour Union (SARWHU) ** |
22/06/2012 |
6. |
LR2/6/2/1414 |
United Transport and Allied Trade Union (U.T.A.T.U) ** |
22/06/2012 |
7. |
LR2/6/2/1569 |
South African Jockey’s Union (SAJU) |
06/07/2012 |
8. |
LR2/6/2/890 |
South African Trade Union of Amalgamated Business Undertakings (SATUABU) |
26/08/2012 |
9. |
LR2/6/2/1568 |
Construction Energy Mine and Allied Workers’ Union (CEMAWU) |
29/08/2012 |
10. |
LR2/6/2/1561 |
South African Association of Trade Union Officials (SAATUO) |
10/10/2012 |
11. |
LR2/6/2/77 |
Broadcasting, Electronic, Media and Allied Workers Union (BEMAWU) |
24/10/2012 |
12. |
LR2/6/2/700 |
South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) ** |
13/11/2012 |
13. |
LR2/6/2/602 |
Cape Teachers Professional Association / Kaaplandse Professionele Onderwysersunie** |
13/11/2012 |
14. |
LR2/6/2/928 |
Protector’s Workers Union (PROWU) |
07/02/2013 |
15. |
LR2/6/2/928 |
Karabo Labour Organisation |
20/02/2013 |
TOTAL = 15
7. |
LR2/6/2/1708 |
National Union of Democratic and Progressive Workers (NUDPW) |
09/10/2013 |
8. |
LR2/6/2/1772 |
Lutheran Ministers’ Union of South Africa (LUMUSA) |
15/11/2013 |
9. |
LR2/6/2/153 |
Media Workers Association of South Africa (MWASA) |
19/11/2013 |
10. |
LR2/6/2/706 |
Oil Chemical General and Allied Workers Union (OCGAWU) |
21/01/2014 |
11. |
LR2/6/2/1703 |
South African Government and Private Employees Organization (SAGPEO) XX |
31/01/2014 |
12. |
LR2/6/2/695 |
Commercial Workers Union of South Africa (CUSA) |
11/03/2014 |
13. |
LR2/6/2/615 |
Brick and General Workers Union (B&GWU) |
11/03/2014 |
14. |
LR2/6/2/1119 |
South African Fishermen Trade Union (SAFTU) |
31/03/2014 |
2014 - 2015
No |
Registration number |
Name |
Date of de- registration |
1. |
LR2/6/2/466 |
South African Building and Allied Workers Organisation (SABAWO) |
08/04/2014 |
2. |
LR2/6/2/1543 |
Independent Labour Union of South Africa (ILUSA) |
10/04/2014 |
3. |
LR2/6/2/1798 |
Creative Workers’ Union of South Africa (CWUSA) |
09/05/2014 |
4. |
LR2/6/2/1753 |
African National Electrical Worker's Union (ANEWU) |
04/07/2014 |
5. |
LR2/6/2/1396 |
Wood and Allied Workers Union of South Africa (WASUSA) |
23/07/2014 |
6. |
LR2/6/2/55 |
Jewellers’ and Goldsmiths’ Union (J & GU) |
03/11/2014 |
7. |
LR2/6/2/1768 |
Progressive Trade Union (PTU) |
12/11/2014 |
8. |
LR2/6/2/1693 |
South African Aviation and Allied Workers Union (SA-AAWU) XX |
19/01/2015 |
9. |
LR2/6/2/1680 |
Consolidated Workers’ Union of South Africa (COWUSA) |
23/02/2015 |
2015 - 2016
No |
Registration number |
Name |
Date of de- registration |
1. |
LR2/6/2/1304 |
Sikhula Sonke |
23/04/2015 |
2. |
LR2/6/2/1075 |
Industrial Commercial and Allied Workers Union (ICAWU) XX |
23/04/2015 |
3. |
LR2/6/2/300 |
Care Centre, Catering, Retail and Allied Workers’ Union (CCRAWUSA) |
14/12/2015 |
4. |
LR2/6/2/2069 |
Workers Consultative Forum (WOCOFO) |
14/12/2015 |
5. |
LR2/6/2/1764 |
Food and General Workers Union (FGWU) XX |
26/02/2016 |
2016 - 2017
No |
Registration number |
Name |
Date of de- registration |
1 |
LR2/6/2/536 |
Combined Staff Association of the University of Durban-Westville (COMSA) |
21/12/2016 |
2 |
LR2/6/2/1884 |
Adult Educators Progressive Union (AEPU) |
21/12/2016 |
3 |
LR2/6/2/538 |
Professional Employees Trade Union of South Africa (PETUSA) |
21/12/2016 |
4 |
LR2/6/2/134 |
National Service and Allied Workers Union (NASAWU) |
21/12/2016 |
5 |
LR2/6/2/1272 |
Cape Peninsula University Employees Union (CPUEU) |
21/12/2016 |
6 |
LR2/6/2/1057 |
Wood Electrical Printing Union (WEPU) |
21/12/2016 |
7 |
LR2/6/2/1972 |
Information Communication Technology Union (ICTU) |
22/01/2017 |
8 |
LR2/6/2/2186 |
Workers Association Union (WAU) |
10/01/2017 |
2017 - 2018

Gary Watkins
Gary Watkins
Managing Director
C: +27 (0)82 416 7712
T: +27 (0)10 035 4185 (Office)
F: +27 (0)86 689 7862
Website: www.workinfo.comRelated items
- Guidelines issued in terms of section 95(8)- Guidelines on registration of trade unions and employer organisations (2018)
- Numsa says new laws will stop workers from striking
- National Minimum Wage Bill 2017, Final Impact Assessment
- National Minimum Wage Bill, 2017
- Basic Conditions of Employment Bill 2017, Final Impact Assessment
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